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kepemimpinan dalam kewirausahaan


Definition of Leadership and Management
Leaders and Leadership is a word that unity can not be separated structurally and functionally. Many emerging notions of leadership and leadership in general, among others:
Brown (1936) argues that leaders can not be separated from the group, but should be viewed as a position with high potential in the field. In the same case, Krech and Crutchfield considers that by virtue of a special position in the group he served as the primary agent for the determination of the structure of the group, the group atmosphere, group goals, ideological groups, and group activities.
Leadership as a capacity-clicking the handle others to obtain maximum results with minimal friction and great teamwork, leadership is a strength of spirit / morale creative and purposeful.
Definition Leadership in Entrepreneurship
Leadership is the process of directing the behavior of others toward the achievement of a specific goal. Briefing in this case means to cause another person to act in a certain way or follow a certain direction. Successful entrepreneurs are leaders who successfully led their employees well. A leader is successful if it believes in sustainable growth, increased efficiency and the sustainable success of the company.
The entrepreneur has a different leadership style, they develop their own leadership style in accordance with their personal character in advancing the company.
How to Be a Good Leader:
Types of Leadership in Organizing:
  • Type autocratic
Viewed from perception autocratic leader is someone who is very selfish. An authoritarian leader will be addressing attitudes that highlight the "ego",
  • Type paternalistic
Paternalistic leader type is only found in communities that are traditional, agrarian society generally. One of the main characteristics of traditional masuarakat is high respect anggiota addressed by the community to a parent or someone who is elder.
  • Charismatic Type
Indeed, there are unique characteristics that are very alluring appeal so as to gain followers whose numbers are sometimes very large. Strictly speaking a charismatic leader is someone who is admired by many followers of the followers even though they are not always able to explain concretely why these people admired.
  • Type of Laissez Faire
The leaders of the view that the organization will generally run smoothly by itself because the members of the organization consists of people who are adults who know what the objectives of the organization, what goals you want to achieve, what tasks must be accomplished by each member and leaders are not too frequent intervention
  • Type Democratic
Democratic leader is usually looked at its role as coordinator and integrator of various elements and components of the organization.
  • Type Administrative
Administrative type of leader is a leader who is able to organize administrative tasks effectively so hopefully emerging technical developments, modern management and social development.
Characteristic features of the ideal leader and leadership, among others:
  1. Broad general knowledge. The higher one's position in the hierarchy of the organization's leadership, he was increasingly required to be able to think and act as generalists.
  2. The ability Growing and Growing
  3. Inquisitive attitude or curiosity is an attitude which reflects two things: First, do not feel satisfied with the level of knowledge, and second, the willingness and desire to explore and find new things.
  4. Analytic capabilities. The effectiveness of leadership is no longer a person in their capacities to implement operational technical activities, but on his ability to think. Ways and thinking skills necessary dalah the integrative, strategic and problem solving oriented.
  5. Good memory. Leaders must have the intellectual ability that is above the average ability of the people they lead, one form of intellectual ability is a good memory.
  6. Integrative capacity. The leader must be an integrator and has a holistic view of orgainasi.
  7. Skills to communicate effectively. Communication functions in organizations, among others: the function of motivation, emotion expression function, the function of information delivery and monitoring functions.
  8. Educating skills. Having the ability to use the opportunity to improve the ability of subordinates, changing attitudes and behavior and increase his dedication to the organization.
  9. Rationality. The higher one's position, the greater the managerial demands on him to prove his ability to think. The brainchild of the impact will be felt not only within the organization, but also in relation to the organization of interested parties outside the organization.
  10. Objectivity. Expected and even demanded the leader role as father and advisor to subordinates. One key to the success of a leader in driving the organization lies in its ability to act objectively.
  11. Pragmatism. In organizational life, pragmatic attitude is usually manifested in the following forms: first, the ability to set goals and objectives that are in the organization.
  12. Mental maturity. A leader must have the mental maturity seen in emotional stability, not easily offended, no irritability and so on.
Truthfulness Entrepreneurship Leadership
Fully mastered the principles of leadership and entrepreneurial action is a demanding process and the concomitant growth of three components, namely pnibadi individual development, teamwork effectiveness and organizational change. However tenlalu often grow three components mi seining. As an example, we take those who choose to undertake personal development. Not terhindankan again, sooner or later, we will see that they see something in a different way and the team and where they work and onganisasi they serve. What happened?
Co-workers usually very quick to extinguish enthusiastic approach initially owned by an individual with the comment: 'Never mind, they've been on the right track-but do not worry, meneka will soon be back to normal'. Individualized approach that is both more honest try to initiate change within their team and organization. Often times after that they feel isolated. The third approach is to have a more decisive stance. This provides justification for other colleagues to isolate further. Depend on the level of durability and their status, these diverse approaches can run up to a certain degree, but usually only for a short period.
Then the fourth reflective approach 'why I am wasting my time here' come to them. And here someone will fall back in the old sense of the behavior that has been removed or to take the opportunity to go. Step mi might be valuable to the people, although painful for the organization. They do so not because they really want it but because they have reached a level of dissatisfaction with what they do. By working hard to develop their potential, they could continue to grow, rather than hindered by the narrow-mindedness and concern for security. They want to have the ability to serve and appreciated, be as to whom they are working now. For the same reason many relationships fail when one developed and the other wants to keep everything stays as it is. In a relationship, unless there is an agreement for the growth and appreciation, they would run aground fail or simply swept away due to their behavior.
The same thing and organizational point of view, any program changes that are not personally develop his people and continue to do so by building entrepreneurial thinking and ownership, will not be able to dodge and ketidaklanggengan and will be seen only as a momentary trend with repetition of common words : 'i again, another change program' that echoed along the corridor and e-mail.
Kejutankah that an organization does not retain The people best? The percentage of people who leave the organization is quite high. Beninvestasi millions of dollars for training for the benefit of the competition is a common activity, but mempertthankan excellent people is the key to organizational development actually makes more sense. And a team standpoint, many competitors are successful and well-established organizations have been preparing for the whole team that developed together, feel restrained either by the people in the organization as well as by the structure of the organization itself.
Appropriate actions and Entrepreneurship Leadership
Entrepreneurial world can be compared to the riding something we are not used in an environment that suddenly seems more dangerous danipada we think at first. Our habit is to menanrik to comfort themselves in the cocoon, something which we believe to be safe, where we can relax for a while without the need to concentrate, and get something without much thought to how we do it. Such habits must be replaced by understanding pninsip-pninsip which will ensure that we can achieve our goals and practice with discipline until we can do it.
A. PEOPLE (People) Right
'People make the change' has become a slogan and a lot of conference organization became too obvious. There's nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come, however, without applied, the idea is worthless.
Recurrence is common and successful entrepreneurs is: 'only if I can find someone like me.' Konponasi leader experienced deep pain to find the right person to replace him. Politicians love to surround themselves with the one who knows the right people. They all want to reproduce itself as finding the right person is really close to impossible. However, this can be done, but find their activities, then develop them, then maintain meneka because they want to maintain, requiring methods that pnaktis me yet unconventional.
As an entrepreneurial leader, you have to treat your people as they deserve to be treated. If you are not sure of their role, have them define their own expectations and targets. If it is something that is not necessarily for the purpose of genius targets, set it so. Always solidified your role, understand what to expect and you are but do not limit yourself with your expectations.
Having the right attitude to make sure that the most important role of entrepreneurial leaders, namely to develop the ability to see challenges as opportunities and setbacks as temporary discomfort, fully developed.
B. COMMUNICATION (Communication) Right
Entrepreneurial leadership can not function without the lines of communication open and clear balk. In most organizations, however, are a varied survey \ ation clearly indicate that there is poor communication, closed and secretive. One of the fundamental barrier to successful pertum harbor is the majority of people do not understand and do not run a curry Nanya, communication.
Most organizations in the West use a communication style that is rooted in the tradition of debate and argumentation. In the tradition of such advocacy skills as the most important consideration. Yet another set of skills are required for debate and advocacy seinacam it can inhibit the flow of ideas. The charge was to investigate the skills that support the best outcome for all involved and based that every person is a valuable source of ideas. Adrian will create a proposal, rather than a form of advocacy, using vision and value for point guidance and therefore the idea can continue to flow.
Before offering advice as freely as we used to do before her, we need to learn to listen to what others have to say without any assumptions, presumptions and opinions we carry himself as an opportunity to attack the klta waiting for. This includes learning to listen to ourselves, acting in the role of the right, rather than the role which we take to please everyone. By the way mi klta can learn to appreciate and where it came from someone. Because, without doubt, the secret to running a communications center right is to make the other person feel valued.
Entrepreneurship requires a high level of awareness. In the case mi ideas and opportunities 'adjusted' to it. So as an entrepreneurial leader, you have to run berkomu munication skills because no matter how brilliant ideas and opportunities, they will certainly be lost or no longer valuable without all communications related thereto executed the right way.
C. WORK TEAM (Teamwork) Right
Proper communication is important for proper teamwork. Imagine, a scout predecessor (advance scout) sent by a group of pioneers found the enemy camp. If the scouts do not like elected, do not like the pioneering leader (pioneer leader) and most members of the group, he may have decided to avoid the camp and let the group take care of themselves. He could have, of course, choose to return to the group and warned them, but if the leader penn tis (pioneering leader) does not have confidence in the surveillance, why did he have to show defensive action. If possible the leader believes in the reconnaissance, but was unable to organize his people when measures need to be implemented, then the group will be very vulnerable to extirpation. Obviously, if the surveillance reports directly ditenima led and run by the entire group, an alternative route will be undertaken successfully. It is quite clear that in order for a group to work as it should, the group must work as a team. There are three main elements to a team in order to function properly.
D. INNOVATION (Innovation) Right
Entrepreneurial innovation; 'give comfort' to entrepreneurs who do not have. Necessity is the mother and the discovery and increasingly felt uncomfortable, the greater the innovation and improvement are sought. Frustration and inconvenience caused by postal workers strike and delays led to the development of a fax machine.
The use of fax paper thin, easily damaged and not practical men emergence of innovation orong use paper that is practical, can be charged or forwarded. Switch to the fax machine and e-mail with attachments electronically, then large documents, then a higher speed to transfer data to voice and data with greater complexity and continuing to move and what was initially comfortable being uncomfortable because it is more convenient it later appeared overcome. The first time entrepreneurs starting a business is in a healthy condition inconvenience. Along with the development of the organization inevitably towards a more comfortable position in the market, he gradually loses its ability to innovate. Therefore, it is the role and entrepreneurial leaders to ensure complacency tensebut replaced with a continuum of strategies and uncomfortable conditions become uncomfortable conditions.
E. CUSTOMER / CONSUMER (Customer) Right
For consumers entrepreneurial leader right now is every one that they developed in order to form an entrepreneurial organization. For the aspirational consumer wirrrausaha right are those that are important to creating value by maximizing the choice opportunities into focus. In the same way that we can not focus on every occasion, as well as to consumers. It is therefore very important to choose the consumer where we can prioritize our energy.
Each consumer has different emotions formation as individuals, and each organization has a strategy that is driven by different values, and all of them have different problems to be solved. You win and retain customers by giving them what they want, not what they want you pilcix. Defining consumer actually means thus requires defining profiles and people who really really going to benefit and added value and innovation right. Simply put, get to know your customers
Consumers the right are the people you serve because they bring raison d'etre (reason for existence) organization. The only way to mempenlakukan mempenlakukan they are properly and appropriately. Usually people will tend to treat others in a way in which they have been 'conditioned' by the treatment they receive from others. This is why training programs and short-term incentives to improve the management or innovation in dealing with consumers so wrong. Each strategy must be consistent and enduring relationships in words as well as day-to-day implementation. If not, a 'proper consumer culture' which was built in the years to deteriorate in a short time.
Leadership Behavior
Leader behavior is related to two main areas:
  1. Oriented tasks set goals. Plan and achieve goals.
  2. Oriented people who motivate and foster human relationships.
There are three main variables included in the leadership:
  1. Leadership involves others as subordinates or followers.
  2. Leadership concerns the distribution of power.
  3. Leadership involves direct investment in order to influence subordinates.
Task Orientation Leader
A leader tends to show the following behavior patterns:
  1. Clearly formulate its own role and its staff.
  2. Set goals that are difficult but achievable, and tell people what is expected of them.
  3. Specify procedures for measuring progress toward goals and to measure the achievement of the goals, objectives dirumusakan believe in a clear and distinctive.
  4. Implement active leadership role in planning, directing and controlling the activities guiding goal-oriented activities.
People orientation
People strong in the orientation tends to show the following pattern:
  1. Showed concern over the maintenance of harmony within the organization and eliminate tension if it arises.
  2. Show concern for people as human beings and not as a means of production.
  3. Showing concern and respect for the needs, goals and desires, feelings and ideas of employees.
  4. Establish mutual communication with employees.
  5. Delegate authority and responsibility, and encourage initiative.
  6. Create an atmosphere of cooperation and working groups within the organization.
The orientation of its leaders tend to be lower in the winter in touch with their employees, focusing on individual achievement and competition rather than cooperation, and never delegate tasks and responsibilities
Leaders and Managers
Leading is not the same as managing (manage). Although some entrepreneur is a leader and a leader is self-employed, to lead and manage an activity is not identical. Leadership is part of the management. Management (manage) is a broader field than lead and focused on behavioral and non-behavioral problems. Ditekabkan especially on the issue of leadership behavior.
Successful leaders tend to have the following characteristics:
  1. Intelligence, including the ability to assess and verbal.
  2. Past achievements in education and sport.
  3. Maturity and emotional stability
  4. Reliance, perseverance, and encouragement to achieve sustainable performance.
  5. Skills to excel socially and adapt to various groups
  6. The desire to reach the status of socioeconomic position,
Determination In Decision Making
The three main factors that affect the determination of the entrepreneur leadership behavior which will be used to make decisions is:
  1. Force in self-entrepreneurs
  2. Power to subordinates.
  3. Strength in leadership situations.
Whole grain entrepreneurial leadership is that she evokes the best of every individual, team and organization. Remember that Entrepreneurial Leadership is: to instill confidence to think, behave and act in an entrepreneurial way of thinking fully realized with real purpose and organization for profitable growth for all stakeholders involved,
Attitudes of Successful Leaders in Entrepreneurship
  • (Purposeful) - TO HAVE A CLEAR GOAL ACHIEVED: the real purpose
Having a clear goal means having pendinian, have focus, have confidence in the decision, have the ability to decide, and resilient, is actually a successful achievement of quality objectives and demands whatsoever. Undeniably, this is one of the most sought after human quality of life, but many people who do not have it. Someone who does not have a goal can be likened to a ship in the middle of the ocean fog that had lost steering and the screen at once. At the moment everything is running smoothly, dilemma often appears without us knowing it, except maybe the lack of a clear understanding of the direction or movement that convincing. When the weather turns he will react to outside influences. But we still can lose our direction and steering the screen If it had remained in place. Unless you mcmiliki clear goal in taking an action, you will be heading in the wrong direction.
  • (Responsible) - RESPONSIBILITIES: true reliability.
The questions we have to answer yourself about 'going to be like what my company, if all the people like me' is as follows: Instill true accountability within us requires regular evaluation. Habits understand how we should be responsible for what we think and do menupakan it worth to be built. Instill accountability in the din of others actually need praise and regular performance evaluations. Such habits will develop a deeper loyalty and a greater understanding of responsibility as we had hoped and others. Most of the traditional performance evaluation too fragmentary and more based on "how you can do things better 'danipada' Balk how you've done. ' Performance evaluation should include exactly what you want to achieve and that word: both evaluate and also praised.
  • (Integrity) - INTEGRITY: the true value
There is no single quality that defines the leaders, both entrepreneurial-minded or not. But quality can not be ignored is doing something right by awareness of honor and respect for others. Understand what is right to do and do it real means having integnitas. Greek philosopher Socrates believed that to truly know what is right is not possible without acting in harmony with it. When he was sentenced to death by pemenintah for what is considered a highly controversial views, his friends forced him to escape with the plans that they have compiled. Socrates firmly rejected their advice, the reply: 'All my life, I was taught that people should comply with applicable law somewhere. If the law is wrong then we have to fix it through discussion, and although I was a victim of injustice, I can not suddenly be against what I kepencayaan just because my life is threatened. Pnionitas first man not only to live, but to lead a good and live life 'By preferring to give his life than live without integnitas, he made ​​a very large sample about doing what you teach.
  • (Nonconformity) - incompatibility: the real creativity
Entrepreneurial leaders is not an easy fit, except in terms of their adherence to core values. Nobody achieve true success to be yourself to be an easy match (conformist). But in business, many people cling to the pattern they believe, that the veil is a prerequisite for the majority of persetujan and success. In this way businesses fall prey to the myth, the fundamental-that the majority automatically and without exception always right. However, the majority could not be omniscient solely because he is the majority and sullt to ensure the correctness opinion.
  • (Coureqeous) - COURAGE: true strength
When you have the courage of your establishment and the courage to be yourself and follow the path that you believe to be the best, you are a true force to develop naturally. In it, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats reviewed and considered, while the weakness category takes precedence over what is considered a strength. Each report will emphasize more on the former than the latter seriously, even if one of the guidelines, the belief that something is wrong should be a concern.
  • (Intuitive) - INTUITIVE: The real decision
A real decision is something that is very important. Not what you, you eat, where you will go or even, what car would you buy. The real decision is something that affects the future and your success as well as other orag. Few people would argue that one of the most important skills in business is to move forward together with the others. I believe that it is equally important to make the right decision 'Of course it is! I can imagine you saying to yourself. This would be the perfect life that we would expect if this happens. But making tough decisions, let alone always make the right decision. I believe, each of us can learn how to be intuitive to the point when we have to make something that is very important decisions, both large and small, with a gradual training to be the best.
  • (Patience) - PATIENCE: a real relationship
Humans are unique, in placing a time limit for the results he wants in life, particularly with regard to relationships. Of course, easy to be patient with something ihasilnya already ten-tu, as in certainty, only a little room for anxiety. There is a direct relationship between the patient and the associated certainty, as much as between impatience and doubt. The more you can not wait for something running order you choose, the more you wonder whether it will be so. Whenever you question the intuitive idea that you believe is correct, your question has growing doubts until you think that the idea is not absurd, and then ignore or mengulurnya to suit your rational limits. Even if the idea is correct in your ratio, affected oelh your impatience to achieve what you want, it will appear as a false idea or way too slow for what you want. Be patient in need confidence.
  • (Listen) - LISTEN: actual market
Marketing is a term that was originally intended to provide an overview of how the success of a business depends entirely on something outside of himself. Marketing teaches, if we listen to the economy, society, and consumers, we can use that information to determine the internal strategy. Strange, its marketing is rarely used for this. Not that 'consumers who are we', marketing has become merely a tool to support the sale by asking 'how can we sell more of what we want. With the shift of the culture we sell products to serve consumers, now become more important for us to listen to the market and determine what they want than ever before.
  • (Enthusiasm) - ENTHUSIASM: real communication
Humans are born with an optimistic outlook or positive, but pessimism or negative views often possible to put forward. Pessimism comes and disappointment, of a bad impression formed by the obstacles which occurred in the past. Pessimism may indicate prudence and experience, but the good thing is to think only on what kind of trouble can happen in front of us? Psychological effects and optimism is he helping to achieve success.

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